
Consulting / CRO

Features and Advantages

CONSULTING:  SciKon is an interdisciplinary Tissue Engineering company and experienced Liaison in Biotechnology.  Experience includes:

  • Direct patient healthcare.
  • Biomedical engineering.
  • Advanced human and animal biology-physiology practice.
  • Human stem cell backgrounds.
  • Bioenvironmental health engineering with toxic insults.
  • Human tissue procurement.
  • Primary cell development.
  • Bioreactor culture and pharmaceutical trials.
  • Cryopreservation and cell thaw technology.
  • Native “single organ” and “multi organ” in vitro co-culture systems.

CONTRACT RESEARCH ORGANIZATION (CRO):  SciKon management and scientists have industry and academic experience in the resourceful utilization of human tissues and cells.  Our expertise is available for in vitro culture efficacies to include the following applications:

  • Background and practical knowledge of progenitor, mature, and nonparenchymal cells.
  • Proliferation and differentiation protocols.
  • 2D and 3D cell cultures for pharmaceutical trials.
  • Cell function and metabolism.
  • Culture support with extracellular matrix.
  • Tissue digestion and cryopreservation.
  • Environmental cues providing feedback signals for improved culture efficacies.